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All things bright and beautiful

All Creatures great and small,

The good God made them all.

The each little flower that opens,

The each little bird that sings-

He maide their glowing colours,

He maide their tiny wings.


My little kitten is hiding somewhere

I looked for her everywhere

On the kettle and behind the kite

I looked in the corner

But she is not in sight!

Come kitty,come kitty, I have milk for you

Kitty come running and called, mew,mew,mew

Hope You Have Enough

Enough happiness to keep you sweet

Enough trials to keep you strong

Enough sorrow to keep you human

Enough failure to keep you humble

Enough hope to keep you happy

Enough success to keep you eager

Enough friends to give you comfort

Enough wealth to meet your needs

Enough enthusiasm to look forward

Enough faith to banish depression

Enough determination to make each

day a better day than yesterday..

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